
PFH Meaning for Audiobooks and Voice Over Work

PFH Meaning for Audiobooks and Voice Over Work

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Audiobooks and voice overs are increasingly popular media formats that require professional talent and production. In these industries, rates are often calculated based on PFH, or “Per Finished Hour,” which is a measure of how long it takes to produce one hour of recorded material. PFH rates are an essential consideration for both voice actors and clients, as they impact the overall cost of a project and compensation for the voice actor.

This article will provide an in-depth understanding of PFH rates in audiobook and voice over work. We will cover the factors that affect PFH rates, typical production and editing times, what a fair PFH rate looks like, and how Audible pricing relates to PFH rates. By the end of this article, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how PFH rates work and how they can impact your audiobook or voice over project.

What does PFH mean?

Factors Affecting PFH Rates

There are several factors that can impact PFH rates in audiobook and voice over work. Understanding these factors is crucial to negotiating a fair rate for both the client and the voice actor. Here are some of the main factors that affect PFH rates:

Complexity of the material: The complexity of the material being recorded can impact how long it takes to record and edit. Technical jargon, accents, and challenging subject matter may require more time and effort from the voice actor, resulting in a higher PFH rate.

Experience and skill of the voice actor: Voice actors with more experience and skill often command higher PFH rates. They may be able to record and edit faster and produce a higher quality recording.

Type and length of the project: Longer projects or those that require specific styles of recording may impact the PFH rate. For example, an audiobook that requires different character voices may take longer to record than a straightforward narration.

Client budget and negotiation: The client’s budget and willingness to negotiate also impact PFH rates. Clients with larger budgets may be able to pay more for a higher quality recording, while negotiation skills can lead to a mutually beneficial agreement between the client and the voice actor.

By understanding these factors, clients and voice actors can negotiate a fair PFH rate that takes into account the unique aspects of the project.

How Long Does it Take to Produce and Edit an Hour of Audiobook?

Producing an audiobook involves several stages, including pre-production, recording, and post-production. Understanding the timeframes for each stage can help clients and voice actors better estimate the PFH rate for a project. Here’s what you need to know about the production and editing times for audiobooks:

Explanation of the production process for audiobooks: Pre-production involves preparing the material to be recorded, such as organizing chapters and creating character profiles. The recording stage involves the voice actor recording the material, and post-production includes editing and mastering the recording.

Typical timeframes for recording and editing an hour of audiobook: On average, it can take about 6 to 8 hours to record an hour of audiobook material. Editing can take an additional 2 to 3 hours, depending on the complexity of the material and the skill of the editor.

Factors that may impact production and editing times: As mentioned earlier, factors such as complexity of material and experience of the voice actor can impact production and editing times. Additionally, technical issues such as poor sound quality or interruptions during recording can cause delays.

By understanding the typical timeframes for audiobook production and editing, clients and voice actors can better estimate how long a project will take and negotiate a fair PFH rate.

What is a Fair PFH Rate?

Determining a fair PFH rate can be challenging for both voice actors and clients. Here’s what you need to know about PFH rates and how to negotiate a fair rate:

Typical PFH rates for different types of projects and experience levels: PFH rates can vary widely depending on the type and length of the project, as well as the experience level of the voice actor. For example, a beginner voice actor may charge around $50 to $100 per finished hour, while a more experienced actor may charge $200 to $400 or more.

Negotiating a fair rate for both the voice actor and client: When negotiating a PFH rate, it’s important to consider the needs of both the voice actor and the client. Voice actors should consider their experience level, the complexity of the material, and their availability when determining a fair rate. Clients should consider their budget, the length and complexity of the project, and the experience level of the voice actor.

Consideration of other factors such as usage and exclusivity: In addition to PFH rates, clients and voice actors should also consider other factors such as usage and exclusivity. For example, if a client plans to use the audiobook for commercial purposes or wants exclusivity rights, this may impact the PFH rate.

By understanding the typical PFH rates for different types of projects and experience levels, as well as considering other factors such as usage and exclusivity, clients and voice actors can negotiate a fair rate that benefits both parties.

Audible Pricing and PFH Rates

Audiobooks produced by voice over agencies are often sold on Audible, a leading audiobook platform owned by Amazon. Here’s how Audible pricing works and its relation to PFH rates:

Explanation of how Audible pricing works and its relation to PFH rates: Audible offers several pricing options for audiobooks, including pay-per-title, subscription, and credit-based models. These pricing options can impact the PFH rate for voice actors, as they may receive a percentage of the revenue generated by audiobook sales. For example, a voice actor may receive 20-30% of the revenue generated by audiobook sales, which can impact their PFH rate.

Discussion of how audiobook sales and revenue sharing impact PFH rates: Revenue sharing models can impact the PFH rate for voice actors, as they may receive a lower PFH rate in exchange for a percentage of audiobook sales. However, revenue sharing can also provide opportunities for voice actors to earn additional income beyond their PFH rate. It’s important for voice actors and clients to carefully consider revenue sharing models and how they impact PFH rates.

By understanding how Audible pricing works and its relation to PFH rates, voice actors and clients can make informed decisions about pricing and revenue sharing options.


In conclusion, PFH rates are an important consideration for both voice actors and clients in audiobook and voice over work. By understanding the factors that impact PFH rates, such as the complexity of the material, experience and skill of the voice actor, and the type and length of the project, both parties can negotiate fair compensation.

In addition, understanding how long it takes to produce and edit an hour of audiobook, as well as the impact of Audible pricing and revenue sharing on PFH rates, can help voice actors and clients make informed decisions about pricing options.

Overall, utilizing PFH rates and negotiating fair compensation is essential for ensuring quality work and a positive working relationship. We encourage voice actors and clients to communicate openly and work together to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.


What does PFH stand for in the context of audiobooks and voice overs?

In the context of audiobooks and voice overs, PFH stands for “Per Finished Hour.” It is a unit of measurement used to calculate rates based on the total duration of recorded material required for a project.

How is PFH calculated?

PFH is calculated by determining the total length of the recorded material in hours. This includes the final edited and mastered version of the audio content, ready for distribution. The time spent on recording, editing, proofing, and other production aspects contribute to the PFH calculation.

Why are PFH rates important in the audiobook and voice over industries?

PFH rates are crucial for both voice actors and clients as they determine the compensation for the voice actor and the overall cost of a project. Understanding PFH rates helps establish fair pricing, allows for budgeting considerations, and ensures transparency in financial arrangements.

How do PFH rates impact the cost of a project?

PFH rates directly influence the cost of a project because the total PFH rate is multiplied by the number of finished hours required for the project. The higher the PFH rate, the greater the overall cost of the project.

What factors can influence PFH rates?

Several factors can influence PFH rates, including the experience and skill level of the voice actor, the complexity of the project, the type of content, the distribution rights required, and the overall demand for the actor’s services.

Are PFH rates standardized across the audiobook and voice over industries?

PFH rates are not standardized across the industry. They can vary depending on the specific genre, the platform of distribution, the voice actor’s reputation, and other project-specific factors. Rates may differ among different voice actors and clients.

How can voice actors determine their PFH rates?

Voice actors typically establish their PFH rates based on factors such as their experience, training, versatility, market demand, and the value they bring to a project. Researching industry standards and consulting with peers or professional organizations can help voice actors determine appropriate PFH rates.

Can PFH rates be negotiated?

Yes, PFH rates can be negotiated between voice actors and clients. Factors such as project complexity, budget constraints, and the potential for long-term collaborations can influence the negotiation process. It’s important for both parties to communicate their expectations and reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

Do PFH rates include expenses related to studio time and production?

PFH rates typically cover the voice actor’s time and talent for recording the material. However, additional expenses related to studio time, production, editing, or special effects are often separate and may be billed or negotiated separately.

Where can clients find information about industry-standard PFH rates?

Clients can find information about industry-standard PFH rates by consulting industry associations, professional networks, online forums, or by contacting reputable voice acting agencies. It’s important to gather multiple perspectives and consider factors such as project scope and desired quality when assessing PFH rates.

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