
Transcription Services

Transcription Services

High Quality Audio and Video Transcription Services for audio and video files in over 600 languages. Our expert team of transcribers will create a text version of your file and we can also translate and voice over your transcript.

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What Is a Transcription?

No, this isn’t a trick question and you might be surprised how many people get
this wrong.

In simple terms, transcription is the process of listening to audiovisual content and writing down what is heard. Seems simple enough, so what exactly is the part that confuses people?

The answer is that many people confuse transcription with translation.

If you need a text version of your audiovisual content in a language which is different to the original language of your source material then you need translation (which, by the way, we can also help you with).

If you’re simply in need of a written transcript in
the same language as your original audiovisual materials, that is transcription and you’re in the right place.

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Are There Different Types of Transcription?

Absolutely, yes. There are indeed different variations of this transcription service, all of which will result in a text document containing the dialogue from the source audio or video file. Examples include:

Verbatim Transcriptions

A voice to text transcription method, this records all interjections, signs of emotions (coughs, sighs, chuckles, etc.), false starts and shifts in thought processes.

This type of transcription is often useful if you’re going to use your transcript as an aid to help during a subsequent editing process, but if you want something more like a finished product you might benefit more from a different type of transcription.

Word-For-Word Transcription

As with verbatim transcriptions, this style will capture the text as it is spoken without making any attempts to correct grammar or restructure sentences for better clarity. However, all filler words will be removed (such as any “um”s and “ahh”s).

Grammatically Correct Transcriptions

In this type of transcription, filler words are eliminated, false starts and self-corrected words aren’t included, and grammar and mispronounced words are corrected.

The resultant document will read less like conversational speech and more like a properly structured text. This style is great for publishing as an article or for any other purpose that’s designed to be public-facing.

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You deserve the best! Leave your project to the experts at GoLocalise so that you can relax and be assured of getting top-notch results. Every single detail will be analysed, studied and looked after so that you do not need to worry. Some would say it’s not too classy to blow our own trumpet… but we just like to point out two very important details.

We have achieved ISO 9001 Quality Management certification in recognition of our consistent performance and high standards, and ISO 14001 Environmental Management because we care about our planet! And if you are still curious and want to know more about us, why not have a look at our studio page.

What Are the Benefits of Transcribing Audio or Video Content?

Great question! There are actually plenty of really great reasons you could benefit from creating transcriptions of your audiovisual content.

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It makes your audiovisual content more easily discoverable

Let’s take a podcast, for example. If you’re able to make a text version of your audio content available, this enables search engines such as Google to include your content in search results much more easily. People searching online for phrases related to your subject matter will therefore be much more likely to encounter your materials during their search, thus increasing traffic to your site and increasing your potential reach overall.

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The likelihood of your content being quoted in other publications will increase

Any journalist, blogger or anybody else who regularly writes articles will require some form of written quote or citation in order to support the argument or point of view that they’re trying to convey with their article. When deciding what supporting arguments to use for their piece and choosing between two equally credible sources of audiovisual information – one already transcribed and ready to quote – that writer is naturally going to choose the pre-transcribed version.

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Your content will be more accessible to a wider range of people

Of course the very best example of this would be people who are deaf or have other hearing impairments. Without a written transcript of your audio your content will simply not be accessible to this group of individuals.

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A transcription could help you connect with people for whom the original language of your audio is not their first language

Did you know that in the United Kingdom there are almost 550,000 speakers of Polish as their first language, plus approximately an additional one million speakers of various languages from India, such as Punjabi, Gujarati, Bengali and Urdu?

For many people, one of the toughest things as a speaker of a second language is following along with audio in that second language – especially if the content is particularly complex or colloquial in nature.

For these people it’s often an invaluable resource to be able to follow along with a written version of audiovisual content.

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Plus, countless other reasons

Creating your audiovisual content, whether that’s a podcast or a video of some kind, is often an incredibly time-consuming and expensive process. So why use it for only one purpose?

You can use a transcription to repurpose your materials into a blog or social media post, to drive traffic to your website, to use as a teaser to bring people to a full-length podcast, and many more uses too.

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Can I Use A Transcription As Subtitles?

Yes, and no. GoLocalise specialises in anything audiovisual so of course if you’re in need of a full subtitling service we can absolutely help with that too, and in fact transcription is an integral part of the process when creating a same-language subtitle file.

The main difference here would be that subtitling requires very precise technological know-how so that the resultant subtitles follow subtitling conventions and don’t prove to be distracting to the viewer.

A transcription by default won’t necessarily follow these guidelines and is better suited for other purposes, such as the ones listed above.

Let GoLocalise, One of the Top Transcription Companies in the UK, Help You!

So, whatever your reason for transcribing your content, we’re happy to help. Whether it’s to make a podcast more accessible to people with hearing impairments, for use as a starting point for a video localisation project, or for any other reason, our experience in these fields has made us the top choice for clients all over the world who want to get more out of their audiovisual content.

No matter if your material is in English or in any other language, we can help!

Transcription Artist
Transcription Studio

Working alongside translation & production companies

Having a strong audiovisual department on your side makes all the difference!

With GoLocalise you get an experienced and motivated team of professionals that work regularly alongside translation and production companies.

We understand the technical requirements necessary to produce perfect foreign language and English voice overs.

Our project managers will assist you along the way and we’ll break down the process and present it to you without the big words or technical industry jargon, so you don’t need to worry about the technical aspects and can simply concentrate on growing your business.

By working with GoLocalise you’ll be able to offer additional services, i.e., voice oversubtitling and translation to your clients, with a partner who will deliver and on whom you can truly rely.

When working with translation companies we provide easy-to-follow guidelines so that you can provide your own translations for us to “convert” into subtitles, or voice over your translated scripts.

Or if you prefer, we can take the entire project off your hands and keep things simple for you – it’s your call!

We’re equally used to working with production companies, so we can deliver your translations or subtitles in any language and format of your choice – either burning-in the subtitles onto the video for you, or supplying you with XML or PNG files for you to do yourself – Adobe After Effects and Final Cut Pro ready files.

Reach your target market

Don’t leave your important communication to chance. Make sure your message is clearly understood by
your audience and choose GoLocalise for your next voice over project. Check out our latest case studies.

We have thousands of passionate and professional voice over artists ready to work with you. Meet some of them in our blog stories.

No matter the type of voice you are looking for, we’ll either have it in our books or find it and source it for you. We’ll organise a casting and ensure you get the perfect voice to suit your needs.

You will also benefit from having your own dedicated project manager – a single point of contact – to guide you through your project, answer any questions you may have and make things a whole lot easier.

Transcription Service All Languages
Transcription Service Project Management

Meet your dedicated project manager

Your project will be in the safe hands of one of our multilingual project managers. They will guide you through every step and ensure you understand the process.

Our industry has a tendency to use lots of technical jargon but your dedicated project manager will be on-hand to untangle the mess and explain all you need to know to ensure you only pay for what you need.

If you need help in choosing the right voice over talent to deliver your message then just ask your project manager.

From booking our voice over recording studios to ensuring you project is delivered on time in your chosen media, relax and let your experienced project manager take care of everything.

You will receive unparalleled attention to detail and customer focus at competitive prices. You’ll wish everything was as easy as a GoLocalise voice over!

Your most discerning customers will thank you for choosing our modern state-of-the-art recording studios. Every detail has been carefully thought through for your comfort, leaving you to simply focus on what matters most – the voice over session.

Your recordings will sound beautiful and crystal clear thanks to our high-end studio sound-proofing and audio equipment, i.e. ProTools HD and Neumann microphones.

Maximise your budget by reducing the need for retakes with the help of our experienced in-house sound engineers who will professionally capture and edit your audio.

And for those recordings in languages which neither you nor your client speak, we’ll bring a qualified pro to your session to add that essential ingredient.

To make you feel right at home, we provide high-speed Wi-Fi Internet and air-con is available. And last but not least, we have the biggest cookie jar you’ve ever seen, that’ll make your custom brew taste even sweeter!

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Looking to get your entire project under one roof? Look no further, we can help you make life easier for you!

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