British voice-over accents and the top 6 sexiest accents in the world

A picture illustrating a man recording a text from his phone. This picture is used for the blog British voice-over accents and the top 5 sexiest accents in the world. Image found from Unsplash.

A British voice-over is always highly desirable within the industry but what accents do we use for them? What are the sexiest accents in the world? The sound of someone’s voice, the way they speak and the accent they have can be incredibly attractive. In fact, research has shown that people with certain accents are […]

What is an Accent in Language?

What is an Accent in Language [English, Regional, Foreign]. Picture showing a magnifying glass looking over a globe, GoLocalise, accents, voice over

As an international Voice-Over agency in the UK, we work daily with over 300 different accents worldwide! Here we want to share some experiences and learnings about what an accent is and, most importantly, what is packed in an accent. You might rightly expect us to be well acquainted with the quirks and idiosyncrasies of […]